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Reporting white collar prosecutions
According to DOJ, in 2018 it increased its number of white collar prosecutions.
“Also in FY 2018, the Justice Department increased white-collar prosecutions by more than three percent, charging more than 6,500 defendants.”
However TRAC reports a declining trend in corporate prosecutions.
“Your source for comprehensive, independent and nonpartisan information about federal enforcement, staffing and spending.” https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/ “TRAC offers free monthly reports on program categories such as white collar crime, immigration, drugs, weapons and terrorism and on selected government agencies such as the IRS, FBI, ATF and DHS. For the latest information on prosecutions and convictions, go to http://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/. In addition, subscribers to the TRACFed data service can generate custom reports for a specific agency, judicial district, program category, lead charge or judge via the TRAC Data Interpreter.”
According to TRAC “The latest available case-by-case records from the Department of Justice (DOJ) show that the prosecution of white-collar offenders in January 2020 reached an all-time low since tracking began during the Reagan Administration. Only 359 defendants were prosecuted in January 2020. Almost all of these were individuals rather than businesses. January 2020’s prosecutions continued a downward slide, dropping 8 percent from a year ago, and were down 25 percent from just five years ago.”
co-published on govdoc-l and freegovinfo.info.
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