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Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

Community & Social Services at State Agency Databases Project

This week’s State Agency Databases Project subject highlight is Community & Social Services, featuring 36 states that project volunteers know to have publicly searchable databases in this subject area. Three examples from this compilation are:


Alabama Children Awaiting Adoption – Search children available for adoption by gender, number of children, age, race, disability, and profile activity.


Show Me Home Care and Rehab – Search for home health care, hospice services, outpatient physical therapy clinics or comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities by agency type or location.


Directory of Affordable Rental Housing (DoARH) (VT) – Searchable database of federal/state subsidized rental housing in Vermont. Can search by county, city or zip code with ability to limit to senior or disabled housing. Produced in partnership with the University of Vermont.

For more, see http://godort.libguides.com/communitydbs. If you know of state agency produced databases in this area, either comment here or use the “Email me” link on the guide to report a database, which will be forwarded to the appropriate project volunteer.

State Agency Databases Activity Report March 30, 1014

It was a busy week for the volunteers at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases.


In the past week, Mississippi was adopted by Aimee Slater of Brooklyn College and Virginia was adopted by Louise Buckley of University of New Hampshire.

In the past we have had requests for pages on US Territories and sub-state jurisdictions in the project. If you would like to start a page for such a government, let’s talk.


Today’s featured database is from Marilyn Von Seggern who maintains the Washington page:

Washington Information System for Architectural and Archaeological Records Data (WISAARD)   http://www.dahp.wa.gov/learn-and-research/find-a-historic-place

WISAARD is a searchable GIS map tool and database of over 1800 registered historical sites and over 300,000 inventoried sites including images, a summary of the significance, and a link to the nomination document. Simple or advanced searches may be initiated via map or by text query for historic name, address, city, county, architectural style, built date, historic use, architect, and listing status. Information on archaeological sites is limited to prevent vandalism.

The database, funded with a grant from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, won the 2010 Intergovernmental Solutions Award from the American Council for Technology.

For example, one can view the Fort Columbia Barracks in Ilwaco, WA, view a photo of the building which was built in Queen Anne style in 1903, and view the Historic Property Inventory Report.



See the full story of the last week’s changes by visiting http://tinyurl.com/statedbs. Below are some highlights of the week.





KANSAS (Pam Crawford)

Lesson Plans and Other Resources – This Kansas Educational Resource Center site offers resource-type, topic and/or grade-level searching.

KENTUCKY (Glen McAninch)

KRS search – Keyword search of Kentucky revised statutes.

VIRGINIA (Louise Buckley)

License Lookup & Disciplinary Actions – This resource allows users to check the license status and complaint history of contractors; real estate individuals, businesses, and schools; cosmetologists; home inspectors; geologists; polygraph examiners; and more. The database is searchable by name, zip code, or license/certificate number, with the option to limit by area(s) of practice. There is also a separate keyword search for disciplinary actions occurring on or after April 1, 2002 for those records appearing in License Lookup.



WISCONSIN (Mark Rozmarynowski)

Find a State Park, Forest or Trail – interactive map with annotations and links to specific park websites with maps, directions, current conditions and upcoming events. is a table listing parks and their facilities and amenities so that you can easily see which parks best suit your recreational needs. Former URL – http://dnr.wi.gov/org/land/parks/specific/findapark.html
