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Tag Archives: tagging

Our mission

Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

What some documents librarians are tagging

Because we’ve become aware of state and federal depository libraries tagging government information resources, we’ve started a new library page to show the latest three items some institutions are tagging. You can find the page through our library or by going to http://freegovinfo.info/node/1255.

If you know of government documents libraries or individual librarians tagging government resources on del.icio.us or somewhere else, please let us know and we’ll add them to our list.

What Some Documents Librarians are Tagging

Government Documents Librarians and some depositories are starting to use the del.icio.us tagging service to highlight resources and quickly build lists of annotated resources.

Below are some highlights from librarians and libraries we know are tagging federal and state resources on delicious or other social tagging services. If you know of others, please send them our way!

What are Documents Librarians Tagging?

Social Bookmarking in a half hour

Still don’t get our del.icio.us page?

Don’t have a clue about social bookmarking, de.lico.us, etc? Have a clue but think it’s a waste of time? Try listening to Rachel Bridgewater’s explanation at a half-hour Sirsi/Dynix Institute event A Little Help from your Friends: Social Bookmarking.

I listened to this presentation on my MP3 player, which I do with all SIRSI/DYNIX Institute podcasts. Even without her slides and other materials, I found it to be a both a solid introduction for beginners and a refresher for people like myself who have de.licio.us accounts but haven’t done much with them.

Something Ms. Bridgewater said gave me a flash of inspiration involving de.licio.us, rss feeds and feed2js. If anything real becomes of it, I’ll let you know.

The social bookmarking session is available in the Institute’s archive. If you have a broadband connection, you owe to yourself to subscribe to these events and maybe even participate live. There’s just no excuse for missing out on great continuing education these days.

I realize this isn’t about government information at all, but it is a tool we can use to promote it.
