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The History News Network.
Although not a government info resource, this site may be of use to researchers, students, and teachers. George Mason University’s History News Network (HNN) features articles and excerpts by professional (scholarly?) historians.
The authors range from left, right, and center. The site’s motto is “Because the Past is the Present, and the Future tooâ€. They describe their mission in part being
“(t)o expose politicians who misrepresent history. To point out bogus analogies. To deflate beguiling myths. To remind Americans of the irony of history. To put events in context. To remind us all of the complexity of history.â€
The lead editor is Richard Shenkman of George Mason University, author of several books of history –notably “Legends, Lies, and Cherished Myths of American Historyâ€.
On the home page, there is a quick link to The September 11 Digital Archive. Recently, they’ve posted commentaries on the Iraq Study Group report.
The current Most Popular Article: Richard K. Neumann Jr.: “The Myth That “Eight Battleships Were Sunk” At Pearl Harbor“. The All-Time Favorite is “What Is the Difference Between Sunni and Shiite Muslims–and Why Does It Matter?” (written in 2002).
There is a good collection of links for students (like “What Books Are Helpful in Understanding 9-11?”) and for teachers .
Intute’s Tutorials
The Resource Shelf posted an item today about a tutorial for web research by Intute (UK). It has a variety tutorials for researching certain topics but with free web-based resources. These short tutorials are by subject experts from colleges in the United Kingdom.
I took a look at the one for “Government and Politics“. It was fun because it took me to resources I didn’t know existed! One of which was “House of Commons Library Research Papers” (which reminded me of CRS reports). I scanned the titles and found “The WTO Doha Development Round: where next for world trade?”.
At first, it kind of made me think of it being a kind of dmoz.org with a shopping cart. That is, as I went thru the tutorial screens, I was supposed to click on icons next to a resource name thus adding the links to a shopping cart to look at later. I found an Index of Political Blogswith about 800 links to blogs from UK, US, and Australia. I guess now I have something to look at while I am on Christmas vacation!
The tutorial hints and guides are appropriate for students. It’s also a nice tool to get folks who maybe use only google or other search engines for research.
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