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Tag Archives: public service

Our mission

Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

The Nurturing Librarian

An aspect of the job that I enjoy doing is public service.  I really like the one-on-one contact that I have with my patrons.  At times, you developed friendships with some of them.  It has gotten to the point when they will stop by my office, the reference desk, or the gov. docs. desk to talk about what’s going on in their lives or just have someone who will listen.  There is this one patron whom I believe may have saved a great deal of money in pyschiatric services just because he stops by once a week to vent with me. 

One of the biggest attractions of working at a library for me is the wonderful mix of research, history, and public service that is involved in the position.  I am constantly learning something new everyday.  Since my B.A. is in American history, I really am proud of the fact that I use my degree every day as a government documents coordinator.  But, one of the aspects of the job that really makes it all worthwhile for me is the need to nurture.  Being there for someone who might be in distress because they cannot find the resources they need or coming to you shyly because they need help using the online catalog.  Yes, this is the part of the job I enjoy the most.

I guess, for me as a single male, that is the outlet for my nurturing tendencies.  I imagine that for those of you who are married with children and grandchildren, having to nurture patrons as well might be more than you are willing to do.  What I do know, though, is how appreciative they are after you have helped them.  That usually makes my day and it also makes up for the times when I really don’t want to be at work…its what motivates me to get up in the morning and head happily to work.

I am proud of the service the library community provides for its patrons and, for the most part, most patrons are grateful for the service you provide them.  I really am very proud to serve my community as a librarian and for the opportunity to help meet their needs.

This is my last blog entry as guest blogger for FreeGovInfo.  I am thankful for the opportunity to talk about life in the library.

I also would like to wish you:


Merry Christmas 

Feliz Navidad

Happy Hanukkah

Happy Kwanzaa

