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State Agency Databases Activity Report 1/5/2014
2013 ended with a good amount of activity at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases.
As we start a new year, I wanted to introduce a new feature into these reports – the Featured Database. The other volunteers and I will offer one database each week we think is especially worthwhile.
Today’s featured database was suggested by Samantha Hager, our documents specialist for Colorado:
Colorado Health Information Dataset (http://www.chd.dphe.state.co.
us/cohid/Default.aspx ) From the website, “allows access to local-level health data compiled by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to help users determine the health status of a neighborhood, community, county, or region in Colorado.”
Includes statistics on births, deaths, population, behavioral risk factors, birth defects, cancer incidences, pregnancy risk assessment monitoring systems, injuries and tobacco attitudes and behaviors.
The following six state pages on the State Agency Databases Project are now open for adoption because the previous volunteer was unable to update the page during 2013:
If you are interested in being the documents specialist for one of these pages, please read our Volunteer Guide. If you feel like you can meet the requirements, e-mail Daniel Cornwall, project coordinator at danielcornwall AT gmail dot com.
Project statistics for 2011 through 2013 have been posted to the project home page. A few highlights from 2013:
Our state pages received 152,508 visits in 2013. The most popular state was Missouri with 15,257 visits.
Our subject pages received 18,755 visits in 2013. The Prisoner Locater Tools page was first with 6,723 visits but the combined visits for Health Practitioner pages was a close second with 6,500 visits.
Overall, visits were down in 2013 compared to 2012, but still over 2011 levels. Missouri bucked the trend by increasing visits, as did Kansas, Montana, and South Carolina.
Because it’s been so long since my last report and because this current report has been lengthy, I’ll skip any effort at specific database adds. Over the past month, these states have shown the most update activity:
- Alaska (Daniel Cornwall)
- Colorado (Samantha Hager)
- Delaware (John A. Stevenson)
- Kansas (Pam Crawford)
- Missouri (Annie Moots)
- Montana (Susanne Caro)
Remember, you can always find the latest two weeks of activity at http://tinyurl.com/statedbs14d.
Until next time!
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