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Our mission

Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

Government Agencies & Elected Officials at State Agency Databases Project

This week’s State Agency Databases Project subject highlight is Government Agencies & Elected Officials, featuring 42 states that project volunteers know to have publicly searchable databases in this subject area. Three examples from this compilation are:


Local Alabama Government Search – Search for local officials by zip code or place name.



Louisiana Boards and Commissions Database – This database is searchable by the name of the commission, board or by name of an individual member. It includes names of all the members on the board or commission, a contact address and phone number, appointed date (if available), and expiration date of term (if available).



Tennessee State phone directory – Search for state employees or state offices.


For more, see http://godort.libguides.com/govdirdbs. If you know of state agency produced databases in this area, either comment here or use the “Email me” link on the guide to report a database, which will be forwarded to the appropriate project volunteer.

State Agency Databases Activity Report: 12/21/2014

With the quarterly link check ongoing, we continue to see changes to the following pages at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases .  (links are to revisions page, click on “page” tab to see regular page):

You can always view ALL changes made in the past seven days by visiting http://tinyurl.com/statedbs.

As a reminder, all of the links and text in the State Agency Databases Project is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. We strongly encourage the use of our links and annotations in projects of your own.

Other Transparency Measures

Yesterday, I posted an entry about Maryland’s new accountability website. There are other states and non-profits that have taken similar efforts. The ones that I came across are:

On 01/05/09, Georgia launched the Open Georgia: Transparency in Government – Not only does it provide information, but also solicits feedback from the public.

On 01/01/09, Kentucky started the Open Door: Kentucky’s Portal to eTransparency. There are plans to provide a new Budget Builder Game and also educational materials.

Websites launched in 2007 & 2008

Missouri – Missouri Accountability Portal (MAP)

Nebraska – Nebraska.Spending.com

Oklahoma – Open Books: Oklahoma’s Finances Online

Texas – Window on State Government

Alaska – Checkbook Online

Kansas – KanView

Louisiana – Louisiana Transparency and Accountability (LaTrac)

Maine – MaineOpenGov.org

New York – SeeThroughNY

South Carolina – South Carolina Spending Transprency
