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Tag Archives: Indiana

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Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

State Agency Databases Project Activity Report: 3/16/2014

There is a lot of activity to report at the  State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases. Partly because I took at three week reporting break, but mostly because our volunteers have been extremely busy fixing links and adding new databases.


As promised, Rhode Island has been adopted! Many thanks to Stacy R. Williams of New York University for taking this state on.


With Stacy’s adoption of Rhode Island, we are down to three orphan states:

If you have an interest in taking one of these states, review the Volunteer Guide and then contact Daniel Cornwall at danielcornwall at gmail dot com.


Today’s featured database is from Adrienne Walker, who maintains the New Mexico page:

New Mexico State Archives – The online catalog for the New Mexico State Archives is one of New Mexico’s most important historical and cultural resources. It houses records from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government, including documents dating from New Mexico’s Spanish (1621-1821), Mexican (1821-1846), and territorial (1846-1912) periods of history. Some holdings include photograph and motion picture film. Archival holdings are vast, so cataloging is ongoing. If you cannot find what you are looking for you can contact the Archives reference desk at (505) 476-7948 or via e-mail at Archives@state.nm.us. The catalog is updated regularly.


See the full story of the last two weeks by visiting http://tinyurl.com/statedbs14d. For the full three weeks of this report, go to the URL above, and then change the radio button from 14 days to 30 days.



Data Catalog – The data catalog allows you to search datasets by category such as Education, Health Care, Human Services, Infrastructure, Economic Development etc. Popular downloads include crime incidents and public space permits and purchase orders.

GEORGIA (Chris Sharpe)

Project Search – Search for past, present, rejected, deferred, and proposed transportation related projects in Georgia.

Chris also did some major link fixing.

INDIANA (Stephanie Martin)

Indiana Recreation Interactive Map – Searchable by site name, type, and county. You can then click on the site on the map to see more details (phone number, website, directions, and activities). Sample Search: State Parks (type) in Brown (County).

KANSAS (Pam Crawford)

Lesson Plans and Other Resources – This Kansas Educational Resource Center site offers resource-type, topic and/or grade-level searching.

MISSOURI (Annie Moots)

Missouri Crime Victims’ Compensation Program Statistics Map – From the web site:  This “map provides comparative statistical information for FY 2013, FY 2012, and FY 2011 that includes the number of new claims, claims paid, claims denied, award amounts, restitution refunded to CVC and deposits into the fund.”

NORTH DAKOTA (Susanne Caro)

North Dakota Century Code -The North Dakota Century Code on this website contain currently effective laws of North Dakota changes approved by the 63rd Legislative Assembly are now reflected on this website.  Sections of law with expiration dates or delayed effective dates are indicated in the Section caption.

Susanne recently took on North Dakota as a second state and has done some extensive link revising in the last quarter.

WYOMING (Karen Kitchens)

Wyoming State Publications Online – This digital library contains publications produced by Wyoming governmental agencies. The bulk of the publications currently available online range from 1998 to present.


The purpose of the State Agency Databases Project is to discover and annotate publicly searchable databases produced by state agencies. Along the way we discover really good stuff that is either not a database or not produced by a state agency. Rather than simply discard this material, we park it on our Not Databases Page. Here’s a new addition to the Georgia section of the page:

Physician Workforce Reports – “Provide interested individuals with a snapshot of the current condition of the physician workforce across the state.  It is intended for use in a variety of ways and is presented in a manner that should help individuals monitor changes in this workforce and assess its current capacity.” Includes 3 reports: Basic physician report, Physician need report, and Facility report.

Roundup of Government Info News and New Resources

Time once again for a selection of news and new resources that we hope will be an interest to the FGI community. The posts are from INFOdocket.com (@infofodocket) where we compile and post new items daily from a variety of resources.

1. “Obama Wants Better Digital Archive of Federal Records” + Full Text of Presidential Memorandum

2. Now Available: EPA Releases Formerly Confidential Chemical Information

3. San Antonio, TX: New Online Database: Historical Election Results are Digitized

4. Statistics Canada to Make All Online Data Free

5. UK Parliament: MPs to Investigate Library Closures

6. TR Center Officially Launches the Theodore Roosevelt Digital Collection

7. Idaho: Libraries to Adjust to New Internet Filtering Law

8. U.S.: National Archives Trust Fund To Sell Copies of the 1940 Census (Digital & Microfilm Versions) Available

9. All Thing Preservation: New NARA (National Archives) Twitter Stream & Tumblr Page

10. U.S. History: Senator George Mitchell Oral History Project Debuts Online

11.New Social Media Resource: “PolitickerUSA is the Best Way to Track Politicians’ Tweets”

12. Video Now Online of NARA’s “What’s Next in Social Media” Forum

13. Child Welfare Information Gateway — State Guides & Manuals Search

14. GPO Releases Its First App

15. New UN Database Available: Expert Panel Launches Tool to Fight Arbitrary Deprivation of Freedom

16. State of Minnesota Posts Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDD)

17. U.S. Government: USAID Launches New GeoCenter

18. Public Access to Indiana’s Historic Sanborn Maps Provides Treasure Trove of Information

19. California: More than 13,000 Online Maps Provide Historic View of State

20. UNESCO’s Global Open Access Portal Now Online
