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The The United States Government Manual: XML and Print

The The United States Government Manual is available in a web edition as well as in print:

  • Currently Updated U.S. Government Manual, by Michael White, The Federal Register Blog (April 4, 2011).

    The OFR developed the new edition with GPO to provide more timely access to the organizations, programs, and leadership of the Federal government. We will continuously update the new version to reflect changes in Government throughout the year – a marked improvement over the annual snapshot in the printed edition.

    …The new web-based edition of the Manual presents information in a more standardized format, using extensible markup language (XML).

    …The OFR-GPO partnership will continue to print and distribute the annual, paper edition of the Manual to the public and Federal Depository Libraries into the immediately foreseeable future, as long as public demand sustains it. The next hard copy edition is expected to be released by June 2011. From this point forward, the printed edition will cover a single calendar year, rather than two years. We will also make XML data available to FDsys to preserve bi-annual snapshots, and to prepare bulk XML data sets for access through Data.gov and FDsys.gov

  • The new Manual is posted at: usgovernmentmanual.gov.
