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New FRUS volume: 1969–1976, Volume XXIII, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1969–1972
Yay! A new volume of Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) has just been released. I’m assuming that GPO will be distributing this volume via the FDLP, but in the meantime, it’s available as a PDF on the State Department site. I hope GPO grabs a copy, stores it and makes it available via FDsys because, you know, pointing is NOT collecting!
That is all.
Press Release
Office of the Historian
Bureau of Public Affairs
United States Department of State
August 17, 2015The Department of State released today Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume XXIII, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1969–1972.
As part of a subseries of volumes of the Foreign Relations series that documents the most important issues in the foreign policy of the administrations of Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford, this volume documents U.S. policy toward the Arab-Israeli Dispute between January 1969 and December 1972. During his first term in office, President Richard Nixon was confronted with the challenges posed by the outcomes of the June 1967 Arab-Israeli War, most notably Israel’s acquisition of territory from its Arab neighbors in the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank; lingering hostilities between Israeli and Arab forces; the rise of the Palestine Liberation Organization under the leadership of Yasser Arafat; and growing Soviet influence in the Arab states. Although this volume primarily traces the administration’s efforts to broker an Egyptian-Israeli peace settlement while seeking to preserve a precarious regional balance of power between the belligerents, it also covers other aspects of U.S. bilateral relations with Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, including nuclear matters and arms sales. Among the salient themes highlighted in the volume include the impact of the shifting bureaucratic balance of power within the Nixon administration’s foreign policy apparatus, from the Department of State to the White House, on the making of policy toward the Arab-Israeli dispute, as well as the influence of the Cold War conflict upon U.S. perceptions of the strategic situation in the Middle East and the prospects for peace.
This volume was compiled and edited by Steven Galpern. The volume and this press release are available on the Office of the Historian website at http://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1969-76v23. Copies of the volume will be available for purchase from the U.S. Government Printing Office online at http://bookstore.gpo.gov (GPO S/N 044-000-02670-8; ISBN 978–0–16–092847-5), or by calling toll-free 1–866–512–1800 (D.C. area 202–512–1800). For further information, contact history@state.gov.
Crisis in “Foreign Relations of the US” series
The Foreign Relations of the US (FRUS), one of the most important and long-standing documents recording the “official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity,” is in crisis due to mismanagement by the Office of the Historian. William Roger Louis, the esteemed historian who has chaired the Committee for the last five years, presented his views in a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (pdf). According to Dr Louis, “15 historians or compilers in a staff of about 35 have left in the last three years.” It’s a sad state of affairs the such a venerable publication could succumb to petty politics.
November 28, 2008
The Honorable Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State
Department of State
Washington, D.C.Dear Secretary of State Rice:
Foreign Relations of the United States Documentary Series
Fully conscious of the serious nature of the issues raised in this letter, I must write to you about the future of the Foreign Relations series and of the related issues of plummeting morale and mismanagement within the Office of the Historian. I have served on the oversight body of the series, the Historical Advisory Committee, for nearly ten years, five of them as chairman. I am a past President of the American Historical Association. Along with all other members of the advisory committee, I am guided by the Congressional mandate to ensure that the Foreign Relations series represents a trustworthy, full, and honest documentary record. In our judgment, the prospective fate of the series has now become so grave that it would be a failure of responsibility on my part were I not to call it to your attention.
The significance of the Foreign Relations series can be summed up by stating that, as required by Congressional legislation (Public Law 102-138), it provides the public, both here and throughout the world, with a thorough, accurate, and reliable documentary account of US foreign policy. Members of Congress, government officials, scholars, journalists, and interested citizens depend on the timely appearance of the series for an understanding of the course of American foreign affairs. This historic mission is now in danger, and, for reasons I shall explain at the end, there is a certain urgency to this letter.
My concern, along with that of all members of the committee, arises from mismanagement by the Historian himself, Dr. Marc Susser. So large are the numbers of staff members leaving, or contemplating departure, that the integrity of the Foreign Relations series is now in jeopardy. To give you a rough idea of the extent of the problem, 15 historians or compilers in a staff of about 35 have left in the last three years during Dr. Susser’s tenure.
[Thanks Secrecy news!]
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