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GPO & Federal Judiciary Announce Pilot Program of Enhanced Public Access To Federal Court Opinions
GPO & Federal Judiciary Enhance Public Access To Federal Court Opinions Government Printing Office, Press Release, May 4, 2011 No. 11-23.
The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and the Federal Judiciary are launching a one- year pilot program providing free public access to court opinions through GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys). The joint project was approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States and GPO’s Congressional oversight committee, the Joint Committee on Printing. When fully implemented, the pilot will include up to 42 courts. The Judiciary continually has sought ways to enhance public access to court opinions. Free access to opinions in all Federal courts is currently available via the Judiciary’s Public Access to Court Electronic Records service (PACER). Building on that success, staff from the Administrative Office of the United States Courts met with GPO management to explore making opinions available through FDsys, which can provide the public with a robust search engine that can search common threads across opinions and courts. The public will be able to access court opinions in the next several months through GPO’s Federal Digital System: www.fdsys.gov
Free Daily and Weekly Opinion Summaries for all Federal Courts and selected State Supreme Courts
Justia Opinion Summaries, Justia is providing FREE Daily & Weekly Opinion Summaries for all Federal Courts, and selected State Supreme Courts. U.S. Federal Courts, U.S. State Courts, Opinion Summaries by Practice Area.
Justia offers free case opinion summary newsletters for many US Appellate Courts. To sign up for the Case Summary Newsletters you first need to login to or create a Justia Account. Then you will be able to select the free newsletters you wish to subscribe to. Subscribe to summaries of US appellate court opinions at Daily.Justia.com. Practice area emails with summaries from all reviewed courts are sent weekly.
Hat tip to Sabrina I. Pacifici!
More courts to offer audio recordings — for a fee through PACER
More Federal Courts Move to Offer Digital Audio Recordings Online, The Third Branch, United States Courts, (November 2010).
According to Stephen Schultze, It is “worth noting that during the pilot period of this service, the fee for the audio files was $.08. This highlights the arbitrary nature of pricing for internet-delivered electronic court documents. Does the current pricing meet the statutory requirement (28 USC 1913 note) that the “Judicial Conference may, only to the extent necessary, prescribe reasonable fees… to reimburse expenses incurred in providing these services”?
Real time alert tool for the U.S. judicial system
courtlistener.com is a new service that has daily information regarding all precedential opinions issued by the 13 federal circuit courts and the Supreme Court of the United States and the non-precedential opinions from all of the Circuit courts except the D.C. Circuit.
The site was created by Michael Lissner as part of a masters thesis at the University of California, Berkeley School of Information.
The site supports highly advanced boolean queries.
Lunchtime Listen: Open Access to Government Documents
This is a presentation by Stephen Schultze, a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard on the topic “Open Access to Government Documents.” He focuses on CRS reports, Oregon State Codes, and PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records). The presentation is available as streaming video, downloadable video, and as a downloadable audio-only MP3 file.
- Open Access to Government Documents, Berkman Center. October 13, 2008.
In the past twenty years, a remarkable number of government documents have been put online. In some cases, these documents are made easily and freely accessible. In others, technology has failed to overcome barriers or even created new barriers to access. One particular subset of documents — opinions, dockets, and the full public record in federal court cases — remain behind a pay wall. Although the U.S. Government cannot hold copyright in documents it creates, it has for a long time long charged for the cost of creating and maintaining these documents. While the courts understandably seek to pay for the services they provide, this talk will argue that there is an alternative path in which the public benefits far outweigh the costs. Stephen Schultze makes a dynamic case for free access to government documents, in honor of Open Access Day 2008.
Produced 13 Oct 2008
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