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Depository Library Council class of 2017 named
Congratulations to the Depository Library Council class of 2017: Erik Beck, Jane Canfield, Mary Clark, Donna James, Celina McDonald.
These five new DLC members will serve from June 1, 2017 – May 31, 2020
Erik Beck: Digital Services Librarian, University of Colorado Law School, William A. Wise School of Law, Boulder, CO. Eric is the Digital Services Librarian and Depository Coordinator. He has been active in the AALL community and has led the development of digital collections of Government publications in his library. He has written many articles on digitization and the digital experience.
Jane Canfield: Depository Coordinator, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Biblioteca Encarnación Valdés, PR. Jane has many years’ experience as a depository coordinator and is responsible for reorganizing the collection at Puerto Rico’s Pontificia Universidad Católica from a small section of technical services to a new and thriving area which combines Federal documents with a learning commons. She brings non-Continental U.S. geographic coverage and a primarily Spanish speaking patron base to Council.
Mary Clark: Director, Acquisitions and Access Management, Library of Virginia. Richmond, VA. She is a Charter member of the innovative Government Information Online chat references service (GPO is a partner with this service). Under her direction, the Library of Virginia has cataloged all of the state and Federal documents in the collection, and the Library has transitioned to an almost entirely digital program. Mary also has led an effort to catalog well over 250,000 pre-1976 Federal documents.
Donna James: Library Director/Federal Depository Coordinator, Valley City State University, Allen Memorial Library, Valley City, ND. Donna has been Library Director of Allen Memorial Library for over 10 years. She was instrumental in moving the VCSU collection to a mostly digital selective depository. Donna advocates for and regularly teaches workshops for school librarians encouraging the use of free Government resources in schools. Donna is a member and past President of the North Dakota Library Association and a member of the North Dakota-Manitoba Chapter of Association of College & Research Libraries.
Celina McDonald: Regional Depository Coordinator, University of Maryland, College Park, McKeldin Library, College Park, MD. Celina serves as the regional depository coordinator for Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. She belongs to a number of committees including Regional Government Information Librarians, Government Documents Round Table Nominating Committee, and is currently the chair of the American Library Association’s Committee on Legislation, Subcommittee on Government Information.
via GPO Director Names New Members to the Depository Library Council.
New Depository Library Council members named
Congratulations to Thomas Fischlschweiger, Cass Hartnett, Kirstin Krumsee, Lori Thornton, and Stanford’s own Beth Williams for being named to Depository Library Council to the Public Printer (which is now called the “GPO Director”). This group works hard to advise GPO on FDLP library issues.
WASHINGTON — Davita Vance-Cooks, Director of the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO), announces the appointment of five new members to the Depository Library Council (DLC). The DLC is composed of 15 members, each of whom serves a three year term. DLC members advise the Director on policy matters relating to the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). In addition to experience working in various types of libraries, the new DLC members have experience with and knowledge of current developments in the fields of library science and U.S. Government information. With the increasing dissemination of information in electronic formats, these new members will help position the DLC and the FDLP for the GPO’s ongoing mission of Keeping America Informed.
“For more than 50 years, the Depository Library Council has been committed to working with GPO in adapting to the latest technologies that ensure the public continues to have free public access to U.S. Government information. I am proud to welcome these outstanding leaders in their field to Council and look forward to their contributions,” said GPO Director Davita Vance-Cooks.
These five new DLC members will serve from June 1, 2016 – May 31, 2019.
Thomas Fischlschweiger currently serves as a Senior Librarian and the Depository Coordinator at the Broward County Public Library in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He has worked at the library for 23 years, with an emphasis on U.S. Government information. He brings to the Council extensive experience with public libraries and has participated first-hand in the evolution from print to digital information. Fischlschweiger earned his Bachelor and Master of Arts in History from The University of Florida and his Master of Library and Information Science from Florida State University.
Cass Hartnett has worked with U.S. Government information for 27 years. She is the U.S. Documents Librarian at the University of Washington Libraries and worked at the University of Michigan and Detroit Public libraries previously. She is an expert in Federal depository library collections and operations. Hartnett has taught Library and Information Science (LIS) programs for more than two decades and co-authored a textbook, Fundamentals of Government Information, now widely adopted by LIS programs for Government information courses. She currently serves on the Government Documents Round Table of the American Library Association. Hartnett earned her Bachelor of Arts in English from Smith College and her Master of Information and Library Studies from the University of Michigan.
Kirstin Krumsee works at the State Library of Ohio as a Reference Librarian and as the Regional Depository Coordinator for Ohio. She works extensively with Federal depository libraries in Ohio, leading FDLP initiatives and providing training and instruction on a variety of topics. She is a member of the Special Libraries Association, the Ohio Public Library Information Network Content Advisory Committee, and the Ohio Government Documents Round Table, currently serving as chair of the State Plan Revision committee and a member of the Marketing Task Force. Krumsee earned her Bachelor’s degree in English from The Ohio State University and her Master’s degree of Library and Information Science from Kent State University.
Lori Thornton serves as the Depository Coordinator and the Public Services Bureau Chief for the New Mexico State Library’s Department of Cultural Affairs. Thornton brings more than three decades of experience in Government documents to the Council. She is active in the American Library Association’s Government Documents Round Table and Map & Geospatial Information Round Table. Thornton earned her Bachelor of Arts in English from Western Washington University and her Master of Librarianship from the University of Washington.
Mary Elizabeth (Beth) Williams serves as the Library Director of the Robert Crown Law Library at Stanford Law School in Stanford, CA. She is an expert in digitization and preservation issues and is the current Chair of the Education Committee for the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA) and a member of the American Association of Law Libraries. Williams earned her Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from the University of West Florida, Master of Arts in Philosophy from Marquette University, Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law, and Master of Library and Information Science with Certificate in Law Librarianship from the University of Washington Information School.
Public Printer Names New Members to Depository Library Council
Congratulations to our FGI colleague Daniel Cornwall, as well as to David Cismowski — for his 2nd tour of duty no less! — Rich Gause, Scott Matheson, and Teri Taylor for being named to the Depository Library Council!
The five new DLC members for the June 1, 2014 – May 31, 2017 term are:
David Cismowski is Chief of the State Library Services for the California State Library. He manages all the library services sections, including the Government Publications Section and focuses on the role and mission of state libraries in providing excellent information services to state government, other libraries, and to all members of the general public. As a former Regional Depository Coordinator from 2005 to 2009, Cismowski focused on re-establishing state-wide communication with depository libraries and developed an orientation program for new coordinators. He previously served on DLC from 2008 to 2011.
Daniel Cornwall is Digital Librarian at the Alaska State Library. Cornwall works closely with Library Development on technology needs, social media and monitoring emerging technologies. Prior positions include Head of Information Services, Head of Technical and Imaging Services, and Government Publications/Technical Services Librarian. He currently serves as Alaska’s ALA Chapter Councilor and, since 2007, has managed the State Agency Databases Project for the State and Local Documents Task Force of ALA’s Government Documents Round Table (GODORT).
John Richard Gause, Jr. is Government Information Librarian at the John C. Hitt Library, University of Central Florida. As the documents coordinator, Gause is a leader in statewide training initiatives for new librarians and the public. He has been active in establishing specialized collections at the University of Central Florida, including Centers of Excellence for DOE, AEC, NRC, and NASA. Mr. Gause’s previous library experience was in public and special libraries. He is very active in ALA’s GODORT at the state and local levels.
Scott Matheson is Associate Librarian for Technical Services at the Lillian Goldman Library, Yale Law School. Matheson oversees library technical services including acquisitions, serials control, cataloging, and electronic resource management. He has experience in both public and technical services, including Reference and Government Documents Librarian at Yale Law Library and as Head of Public Services at the University Colorado William A. Wise Law Library. As Librarian for Digital Resources at Yale Law School and Web Manager at the Yale University Library, he has extensive experience managing digital data and metadata, as well as library and IT systems.
Teri Taylor is U.S. Documents Librarian at the New Jersey State Library where she promotes government documents to the public and state agencies via training classes, newsletters, and social media. Her previous experience was as Senior Librarian with the Camden County Library, in Voorhees, New Jersey. Taylor is a member of the New Jersey State Data Center Advisory Committee, the State Library Social Media Task Force, and the State Library Information Center E-Resources Management Committee. She is an active member of the Documents Association of New Jersey.
via Public Printer Names New Members to Depository Library Council.
Live blogging Fall ’12 Depository Library Conference. Hashtag is #dlcf12
The 2012 Depository Library Council meeting and conference is upon us. It’s sure to be 4 days packed with educational sessions and discussions about the FDLP Forecast Study and the future of the FDLP. Here’s the conference schedule.
As in past years, there will be live blogging of the conference for those not able to make it to Washington DC. This year I’m asking as many people as possible to use the twitter hashtag #DLCf12 or #DLC12f (some other conference is using the #dlc12 tag unfortunately). You’ll be able to follow along below or directly on the twitter site.
I’m also told that there will be virtual attendance for the four daily sessions on the FDLP Forecast Study (pre-registration is required):
- Monday, October 15, 2012 at 2:00 pm Eastern: Methodology, Study Phases, and State Forecast
- Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 2:00 pm Eastern: State Forecast and State Focused Action Plans
- Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at 2:00 pm Eastern: Library Forecasts
- Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 2:00 pm Eastern: Summary Discussion and Future Roles
Tweets about “#dlcf12 OR #dlc12 OR #fdlc12 OR #fdlp”
Public Printer names 2012 members of Depository Library Council #FDLP
Hot off the presses! Congratulations to Steve Beleu, Chris Brown, Marie Concannon, Rosemary LaSala, and Larry Romans who’ve just been named to Depository Library Council!. It’s hard work, but, speaking as an outgoing Councilor (and outgoing Chair!), it’s an extremely rewarding experience. Good luck new Councilors!!
Acting Public Printer Names New Members to Depository Library Council
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 6, 2012 No. 12-15
WASHINGTON-Acting Public Printer Davita Vance-Cooks is pleased to announce the appointment of five new members to the Depository Library Council (DLC).
The Council, composed of 15 members each of whom serve three year terms, advises the Public Printer on policy matters relating to the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). The FDLP, which traces its roots to 1813, provides access across America to the published information of all three Branches of the United States Government through partnerships with more than 1,200 libraries ranging from public libraries to research universities.
“I am very pleased to appoint these five librarians to the Depository Library Council. They are all proven leaders in the depository community and their experience and expertise will be invaluable as the Council advises me on the issues facing the Federal Depository Library Program,” says Acting Public Printer Davita Vance-Cooks.
The five new DLC members for the June 1, 2012 – May 31, 2015 term are:
Steve Beleu is one of Oklahoma’s two Regional Librarians for U.S. Government Information, as well as the Director of the Oklahoma State Data Center Coordinating Agency. Since 2003, Beleu has conducted over 243 workshops on several topics for the library community in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri. These efforts helped his library earn the Depository Library of the Year award in 2009. Beleu is currently working with Oklahoma’s four Tribal Colleges to introduce Federal Government Web sites to their faculty and staff.
Christopher Brown is the Reference/Government Documents Librarian at University of Denver’s Penrose Library. Brown has published and presented extensively about matters related to online Government information. His contributions to the FDLP include new ideas involving tracking online usage, adding URLs to older documents, and providing more granular statistics for PURL clickthroughs from local online public access catalogs and Web sites.
Marie Concannon is the Government Documents Regional Coordinator at University of Missouri (Columbia)’s Elmer Ellis Library. Concannon is a strong advocate for promoting the FDLP and for preserving historic documents, both digital and tangible. Concannon is active in several national and local library organizations, including the American Library Association (ALA), the Missouri Library Association (MLA), the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), and the Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT).
Rosemary LaSala is the Reference/ Government Collections Librarian at St. John’s University Rittenberg Law Library in Jamaica, New York. She is the current president of the Government Information Roundtable (GIRT), and a past chair of The Government Documents Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL). LaSala was the recipient of the 2008 Mildred Lowe Award given by the New York Library Association Government Information Roundtable in recognition of her outstanding contributions to Government Documents Librarianship.
Larry Romans is Head of Government Information and Media Services at Vanderbilt University’s Central Library in Nashville, Tennessee. He has been a leader in the depository community for many years, contributing numerous presentations and publications to the field, and actively participating in many professional associations. Romans has been a member of ALA’s governing Council since 1992, served on the ALA Executive Board from 2007-2010, and served as chair of ALA/GODORT. He won the 1995 ProQuest Documents to the People Award and the 2008 James Bennett Childs Award for lifetime and significant contribution to the field of documents librarianship.
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