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Licensing at State Agency Databases Project
This week’s State Agency Databases Project subject highlight is Licensing, featuring 47 states that project volunteers know to have publicly searchable databases in this subject area. Three examples from this compilation are:
Liquor License Queries – This page lets you choose from numerous queries: License No., Business Name, Location Address, Pending Applications and Interim Permits, Recently Issued Licenses, Expired Licenses, Closed Licenses, Suspended Licenses, Inactive Licenses, Denied Licenses, Special Events. Database is also available as a download.
Sales Tax License Revocations Search – Search for a business with a revoked sales tax license by county, city, business name, or Missouri Tax ID Number (Sales Tax License Number).
Wyoming Insurance Company Search – Wyoming Department of Insurance – Enter agent’s name or adjuster’s name in the individual agent search box, enter the agency’s name in the agency search box or enter the company name in the insurance company search box to obtain information about the entity.
For more, see http://godort.libguides.com/licensingdbs. If you know of state agency produced databases in this area, either comment here or use the “Email me” link on the guide to report a database, which will be forwarded to the appropriate project volunteer.
State Agency Databases Project: Business, Finance & Economy
This week we are highlighting the Business, Finance & Economy 50-State guide from the State Agency Databases Project. This guide lists 47 states that are known to have publicly searchable, state agency produced databases in this subject area.
Three databases from this compilation are:
Charitable Organizations System – May be searched by name, dba or purpose. Records indicate whether a charity is currently registered and provides address, contact information and purpose. Information is self reported and AZ Secretary of State does not determine whether a charity is legitimate.
Publicly Traded Disclosure Search – This search allows you to search for all publicly traded corporations that have filed a Corporate Disclosure Statement with the Secretary of State, search the full text of information contained in a specific statement, and view abstracts of reported information. Searchable by corporation name, the names of officers, or an auditor name; there is also an advanced search.
Unlicensed Search for Construction Contractor – From the web page, “will provide a listing of public complaints against persons or entities of construction contractors that, at the time of the complaint, were not licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.”
For more, see http://godort.libguides.com/businessdbs. If you know of state agency produced databases in this area, either comment here or use the “Email me” link on the guide to report a database, which will be forwarded to the appropriate project volunteer.
State Agency Databases Activity Report 9/21/2014
Hi All,
It’s been a long time since I’ve provided an update on activity at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases.
I thought I’d experiment with a new format for this report. Feel free to give me feedback on this or the previous format.
You can always check on changes in the past seven days by visiting http://tinyurl.com/statedbs. This past week saw significant changes to the following pages (links are to revisions page, click on “page” tab to see regular page):
- Arizona (Lindsay O’Neill)
- Kansas (Pam Crawford)
- New Hampshire (Linda Johnson)
- Ohio (Kirstin Krumsee)
- South Carolina (Ed Sperr)
- Healthcare practitioners databases (Lynn McClelland)
- Historical Media Databases
- Official Records Databases
As a reminder, all of the links and text in the State Agency Databases Project is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. We strongly encourage the use of our links and annotations in projects of your own.
State Agency Databases Activity Report 6/8/2014
It was a somewhat active week for the volunteers at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases as we started up our June link-checking activity.
Today’s featured database is from Jenn Zuccaro, who maintains the Hawaii page:
Hawaii State Archives Digital Collections – archives1.dags.hawaii.gov/gsdl/cgi-bin/library – Search digital collections of Hawaii State Archives, including Chinese, Japanese & Portuguese Passenger Manifests, Hawaiian Genealogy Book Index, Vital Statistics and others.
See the full story of the last two weeks changes by visiting http://tinyurl.com/statedbs14d. Below are some highlights of the changes.
Alaska (Daniel Cornwall)
Arizona (Lindsay O’Neill)
Missouri (Annie Moots)
ALASKA (Daniel Cornwall)
Septic Tracking System – This database offers two search types: – Installer/Facility Name/Legal Description/File Number r Township/Range/Section (Only Unsubdivided Parcels). Records include links to PDFs of original installation documents. Department assumes no liability for accuracy of information.
ARIZONA (Lindsay O’Neill)
General licensure page – For all professions. Formerly at http://az.gov/app/license/index.xhtml
In addition to the changes above, we also fixed a few links on the State Blue Books page. State Blue books have many uses, including providing material for K-12 students assigned to write a state report.
State Agency Databases Activity Report 1/12/2014
Last week was busy at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases.
Today’s featured database was suggested by Annie Moots, the volunteer for Missouri:
Missouri Appellate Courts and Missouri Supreme Court Opinions (http://www.courts.mo.gov/page.
jsp?id=12086&dist=Opinions) This database contains the full-text opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, of the Missouri Eastern, Western, and Southern Districts Courts of Appeals and the Missouri Supreme Court back to 1997. It is searchable by court, opinion, or date. Other information includes a summary of the opinion, the case name and number, attorneys for the parties, the court or commission from which the case was appealed, the name of the judge who authored the opinion, and the vote.
It seems like a good idea to celebrate new volunteers:
- Arizona – Lindsay O’Neill, Arizona State University
- New Jersey – Stephanie Bartz, Rutgers University
These pages weren’t officially orphaned. But the new volunteers seemed like a better fit for the states involved. I’m particularly happy to give Arizona to someone actually working in Arizona.
The following six state pages on the State Agency Databases Project are still open for adoption because the previous volunteer was unable to update the page during 2013:
If you are interested in being the documents specialist for one of these pages, please read our Volunteer Guide. If you feel like you can meet the requirements, e-mail Daniel Cornwall, project coordinator at danielcornwall AT gmail dot com.
Idaho (Beth Downing)
Transparent Idaho – Transparent Idaho makes the State of Idaho’s finances and operations more transparent by providing a highly accurate look at the state’s budget, revenues, and spending, and how they have changed over the last 3-5 years. Also included are various financial reports and links to other information about state operations and local spending in Idaho.
Missouri (Annie Moots)
State Tax Commission Legal Decisions – Search by year and keyword back to 2001.
New Jersey (Stephanie Bartz)
Salvage-Titled and Flood-Titled Vehicles – “Contains information about vehicles that have been issued salvage or flood titles since October 30, 2012.” Explains what flood and salvage titles mean and identifies the vehicles that have been classified with those titles since Hurricane Sandy.
New York (Michael Tatonetti)
OASAS Provider Directory Search] – Find Prevention and Treatment providers for alcohol and substance abuse addicts in New York. Searchable by county, region, city, ZIP code or do a statewide search. Provides information on programs, addresses and contact information of treatment centers.
Alabama (Paula Webb)
Alabama Moments Search – A searchable database of Alabama Moments.
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