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Tag Archives: Presidential Library

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Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

A Roundup of Recent Government Info News and New Resources

More news and new resources via INFOdocket.com.

1. White House Launches Ethics.gov

2. USDA: Consumers to Receive Timely Food Safety Alerts Through New State Twitter Feeds

3. A Law Classification Scheme as Linked Data?

4. Access GAO Reports and Legal Decisions via New App for iOS (Free)

5. National Broadband Map Updated, New Data Added

6. United Nations Releases 2012 E-Government Survey (Full Text), Country Rankings Updated

7. Compare Country Statistics With New United Nations CountryStats iOS App (Free)

8. UNESCO Releases World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education (Full Text, Free)

9. New Online Database from NIH: Genetic Testing Registry, Video Tutorials Available

10. Open Data: DOE Data Explorer Now Searches Individual Datasets

11. Archivist of the United States Appoints New Director of Presidential Libraries

The Purpose and Legitimacy of Presidential Libraries

The excellent magazine Miller-McCune has a fascinating article on control of Presidential Libraries:

  • Nixon’s Presidential Library: The Last Battle of Watergate, By Andrew Gumbel, Miller-McCune (December 8, 2011).

    Should the National Archives be in the business of presenting objective public history at the nation’s presidential libraries? Or should the private organizations that fund many of these institutions be able to lionize their man in the White House? In an exclusive from the upcoming issue of Miller-McCune magazine, learn how the fractious new partnership between the Archives and the foundation intent on rehabilitating Richard Nixon’s legacy has become the issue’s bellwether.

Bush Library may be last brick and mortar presidential library

This story has been brewing for a few months, but I just recently came across it again and was intrigued. I may be getting into deep archival waters –the Society of American Archivists (PDF) and a letter of complaint signed by sixteen organizations (PDF) were both submitted in response to NARA’s call for alternative models of presidential libraries (more context here from Richard Cox). While you can probably guess that I’m in general agreement with Steven Aftergood that more online presidential resources would improve public access, the call for digitization neglects a fundamental aspect of presidential libraries. That is, these spaces do not only act as information repositories for researchers, but historical monuments. Let’s have better access to information but let’s not forget about history in the process. Thoughts?

Bush library may be one of last housed in a building. Laura Isensee. The Dallas Morning News. March 31, 2009

The George W. Bush Presidential Library in University Park could be one of the last brick and mortar institutions of its kind.

Congress is looking for ways to cut the expense of overseeing such buildings, and some researchers say the traditional library setup for keeping presidential documents is outdated in a digital world.

What to do? Use a cave to store vital paper records instead of big compounds. Get out of the museum business and let the president’s backers run that part of the library.

Those are some of the ideas being floated by federal archivists, who now are asking the public for suggestions to run the library system at less cost but with better access to presidential papers. The National Archives and Records Administration will deliver its report to Congress this summer.

Although the potential changes are not expected to affect the Bush complex at SMU or any of the other presidential libraries, the outcome could significantly alter how future ones operate.

A Wiki for Presidential Libaries

Here is a very nice resource that makes use of modern technology (a collaborative wiki) to help users of Presidential Libraries.

The American Historical Association has a wiki (Archives Wiki) intended to be a clearinghouse of information about archival resources throughout the world. It has a page for each presidential library. (See list here.)

Although there is not a lot there yet, this is a place where historians can add comments, hints, problems, suggestions about using the resources at the Presidential libraries.

CRS report on Presidential Libraries

Presidential Libraries: The Federal System and Related Legislation, by Harold C. Relyea, updated November 26, 2008, Order Code RS20825. (PDF, 6 pp).

Thanks to FAS.
