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State Agency Databases Project Activity Report 1/19/2014
Last week was sorta quiet at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases.
Today’s featured database was provided by John Stevenson, our volunteer for Delaware. It provides material to ponder in response to the question, “Are Delaware’s vanity plates really the ugliest in the nation?” as reported by Delaware Online.
Delaware Vanity Plate Search and Reservation
(https://citizen.dmv.de.gov/public.ejs?command= PublicVanityPlate) – Operated by the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles. Delaware has fewer than one million residents and assigns numeric license plates. Vehicle owners who want to display letters instead of numbers may determine the availability of lettered vanity plates and reserve them using this database. The search page allows people to see how a tag will look and reserve it if it’s available.
The following six state pages on the State Agency Databases Project are still open for adoption:
If you are interested in being the documents specialist for one of these pages, please read our Volunteer Guide. If you feel like you can meet the requirements, e-mail Daniel Cornwall, project coordinator at danielcornwall AT gmail dot com.
KANSAS (Pam Crawford)
Kansas Road Conditions – Searchable by region, the resulting customized map shows current road conditions due to weather or road work. Color-coding and symbols designate problems like ice, snow-pack, high water, road construction and road closures. Webcams are marked as well so you can view conditions at those locations.
WASHINGTON (Marilyn Von Seggern)
Washington Tracking Network – State environmental and health information data for air quality, asthma, biomonitoring, birth defects and outcomes, lead risk, carbon monoxide, radon, and more. Each topic opens with ‘measures and data’ which offers an introduction, definitions, and links to other data sources. Click on “Query Data,” set the measures, and search for information.
Next Sunday will find me in Philadelphia for ALA Midwinter 2014. Fellow FGI ‘erJames R. Jacobs will also be there. Come find us! And if you’d like to adopt an orphan page, I can sign you up on the spot if I’m not running late for one of my meetings.
State Agency Databases Activity Report 1/12/2014
Last week was busy at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases.
Today’s featured database was suggested by Annie Moots, the volunteer for Missouri:
Missouri Appellate Courts and Missouri Supreme Court Opinions (http://www.courts.mo.gov/page.
jsp?id=12086&dist=Opinions) This database contains the full-text opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, of the Missouri Eastern, Western, and Southern Districts Courts of Appeals and the Missouri Supreme Court back to 1997. It is searchable by court, opinion, or date. Other information includes a summary of the opinion, the case name and number, attorneys for the parties, the court or commission from which the case was appealed, the name of the judge who authored the opinion, and the vote.
It seems like a good idea to celebrate new volunteers:
- Arizona – Lindsay O’Neill, Arizona State University
- New Jersey – Stephanie Bartz, Rutgers University
These pages weren’t officially orphaned. But the new volunteers seemed like a better fit for the states involved. I’m particularly happy to give Arizona to someone actually working in Arizona.
The following six state pages on the State Agency Databases Project are still open for adoption because the previous volunteer was unable to update the page during 2013:
If you are interested in being the documents specialist for one of these pages, please read our Volunteer Guide. If you feel like you can meet the requirements, e-mail Daniel Cornwall, project coordinator at danielcornwall AT gmail dot com.
Idaho (Beth Downing)
Transparent Idaho – Transparent Idaho makes the State of Idaho’s finances and operations more transparent by providing a highly accurate look at the state’s budget, revenues, and spending, and how they have changed over the last 3-5 years. Also included are various financial reports and links to other information about state operations and local spending in Idaho.
Missouri (Annie Moots)
State Tax Commission Legal Decisions – Search by year and keyword back to 2001.
New Jersey (Stephanie Bartz)
Salvage-Titled and Flood-Titled Vehicles – “Contains information about vehicles that have been issued salvage or flood titles since October 30, 2012.” Explains what flood and salvage titles mean and identifies the vehicles that have been classified with those titles since Hurricane Sandy.
New York (Michael Tatonetti)
OASAS Provider Directory Search] – Find Prevention and Treatment providers for alcohol and substance abuse addicts in New York. Searchable by county, region, city, ZIP code or do a statewide search. Provides information on programs, addresses and contact information of treatment centers.
Alabama (Paula Webb)
Alabama Moments Search – A searchable database of Alabama Moments.
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