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Feedback Needed by November 18th: FDLP Public Libraries Retention Study

The Government Publishing Office (GPO) has published a draft report asked for by the Depository Library Council (DLC) in response to learning that public libraries appear to be dropping from the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) at a faster rate than other libraries. The DLC asked GPO to:

  • Identify the reasons why libraries left the FDLP;
  • Ask remaining public library staff and directors to identify the most important
    challenges for them as FDLP members;
  • Ask remaining public library staff and directors to identify the most important
    advantages as well as needed enhancements or benefits for them as FDLP members;
  • Analyze and report on the collected information; and
  • Identify possible changes in policies and procedures to encourage existing public
    libraries to remain in the FDLP, but also provide incentives for non‐depository public
    libraries to join the FDLP.

The result was:

To Better Serve and Support Public Libraries: GPO’s Analysis and Findings on Public Libraries Leaving the Federal Depository Library Program Between 2007-2015 (October 2016)

GPO is asking for feedback on this report by November 18th. We encourage all of our readers, especially those working in public libraries, to read the report and provide feedback by e-mailing skmiller “AT” gpo.gov
