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Tag Archives: C-SPAN

Our mission

Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

Supreme Court reenactments with dogs: so wrong but so right!

John Oliver is doing great — and hilarious — journalistic work. In this segment, he not only takes on the serious issue of why the Supreme Court doesn’t allow video cameras during oral arguments (Scalia’s argument against cameras is just lame excuse given the way C-SPAN currently covers Congress), but gives other news outlets the tools to cover the Supreme Court in a hilarious way that will hopefully cause the Supreme Court to change its stance on video cameras out of embarrassment.

Real Animals, Fake Paws Footage:

C-SPAN’s “American Artifacts” to air history of GPO on March

C-SPAN’s American Artifacts series will air a segment on the Government Printing Office (GPO) on March 17 at 8am and 7pm Eastern time. Check out the preview below, with GPO Historian George Barnum.

C-SPAN’s essential video record of Congress has new clipping tool

Gary points to a great, newly enhanced tool from C-SPAN that allows you to create and share video clips in its extensive video library of Congressional proceedings and Committee hearings. The tool is available for all of C-SPAN’s online video content, which includes Book-TV and Booknotes, C-SPAN specials, interviews, news conferences, White House events, National Press Club speakers, and more. The archive includes every program aired on C-SPAN since 1987, almost 190,000 hours of video!

Roundup of New Resources and Other Government Info News (12 Items)

Greetings from DC.

Here’s a roundup with a bunch of recent postings from our INFOdocket site containing news and new resources of possible interest to the FGI community.

This is a small sample of what we post each day. Most of the following items were shared in the past week or so. We are also available on Twitter.

1. New From U.S. Census: 2008-2010 ACS 3-Year Estimates

2. Article: “Patriot Act Turns 10, With No Signs of Retirement” + Patriot Act Infographic (Facts and Stats)

3. State Library of Tennessee Partners With Ancestry.com, Database Includes Millions of Images and Names

4. New Report: The State of World Population 2011 (World Population Tops 7 Billion, via UNPA)

5. New from U.S. Census: American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States Wall Map

6. “A 5th Anniversary For the Forest Service National Library Celebrates 100 Years of History”

7. U.S. Census: USA Counties (New Stats)

8 New: Director of U.S. Copyright Office Announces Priorities, Special Projects for Next Two Years

9. Register of Copyrights Names Associate Register for Policy and International Affairs

10. Archivist of the United States on Digital Public Library of America Plenary

11. Legal Information: Cameras in Court Pilot Project Now Has 70 Videos Online

12. Campaign Finance: OpenSecrets.org Unveils New Interactive Features To Monitor 2012 Presidential Money Race

13. EPA: Office of Pesticide Programs Launches Online Searchable Database of Inert Ingredients Approved for Use in Pesticides

14. New From the C-SPAN Video Library: MP3 Audio Files Available for All Programs

We hope you find these resources useful. We hope you stop by or follow.

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gary price

Poverty in America

C-SPAN will feature 3 hours on the topic of Poverty in America Sunday, October 2, 2011 on C-SPAN 1 from 7am – 10am (EDT).

Announcement from C-SPAN:

Poverty in America

This Sunday, October 2, C-SPAN’s Washington Journal program presents “Poverty in America”, looking at the face of poverty and the Federal, State, and community programs aimed at reducing poverty.

Poverty by the Numbers
7:45am – 8:30am ET on C-SPAN
A look at the recent Census data showing a record 42.6 [sic, 46.2] million people are now living in poverty in America. We’ll look at the demographics of who is living in poverty, how the face of poverty has changed since the economic downturn and how poverty is measured.

Federal Programs & Poverty
8:30am – 9:30am ET on C-SPAN
A discussion on federal poverty-related programs: what they are, how much they cost, and their efficacy in reducing poverty.

Programs to Fight Poverty
8:30am – 9:30am ET on C-SPAN
A look at one of the many community programs to help fight poverty and how they partner with the federal government. We feature the “Half in Ten” campaign, which aims to cut poverty in half in ten years.

See also:
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010 (Sept 13, 2011)

Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010 Current Population Reports, P60-239, Issued September 2011.

Census.gov › People and Households › Poverty Main
