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Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

question about paper documents

A comment by one of the law librarians at the GODORT meeting last monday evening got me thinking. Since law libraries obviously have a strong desire and valid legal reasons to have certain govt information continue to be made available in paper, I think GPO should survey AALL members to build an essential titles list. What do y’all think of that?

OMB report to Congress on citizen access to govt info

The Office of Management and Budget has just released their “Section 213 of the E-Government Act Report to Congress: Organizations Complementing Federal Agency Information Dissemination Programs” (April 15, 2005). Lots of good information and statistics on the various ways that government information is disseminated to citizens (FDLP, Community Technology Centers, NARA research rooms etc). One thing that caught my eye was appendix 1 and the disparity between numbers of FDL’s and public libraries and the populations being served. For instance, in CA, there are 92 FDL’s and 179 public library systems, but each one serves on average almost 125,000 people. Contrast that with Maine, where 11 FDL’s and 273 (yes 273!) public library systems serve 4,500 citizens. Read on!

[Thanks to Herrick Heitman for posting to govdoc-l and beSpacific for originally calling it to our attention!]
