One of the organizations listed on the FGI “Organizations of interest” page is the Center for Digital Democracy. Jeff Chester, the CDD’s director, has just published a new book that looks to be fascinating. The book, Digital Destiny: New Media and the Future of Democracy, seriously looks at the details and the consequences of the 1996 Telecommunications Act — the overhaul of the Communications Act of 1934 — how it set the stage for the current media ownership battles. In the book, Chester examines the market forces that are dictating the US media landscape and the dangerous consequences of media consolidation and mergers and partnerships between telephone and cable companies. In the 3rd part, Chester puts forth a “policy agenda for the broadband era.” Definitely a good addition to any library collection!
- Alternet review of Digital Destiny
- Media Matters’ Bob McChesney interview with Jeff Chester (scroll down to the Feb. 4, 2007 show)
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