[[Vi Hart]], best known for her amazingly clear mathematical videos on YouTube, has created this *must-see* video about [[Net Neutrality]], the principle that ISPs should treat all data on the internet equally, not discriminate or charge differentially — or worse, block or throttle certain kinds of traffic like BitTorrent!
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently mulling a new net neutrality proposal that would allow big ISPs like Comcast to discriminate. Vi Hart explains all about net neutrality, why this proposed rule is BAD, and what you can do to register your complaint with the FCC. Check it out, and send it to everyone you know!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Michael Copps, former FCC commissioner and chair, has an excellent analysis and commentary here: No Fast Lanes For The Few and Kevin Taglang is doing an excellent job providing key links about the issues every day. For example, see the Benton’s Communications-Related Headlines for May 8, 2014.
And some of the biggest tech companies are chiming in: Google, Amazon, and other online giants warn FCC to keep Net neutrality.