via LIS-GISIG blog (
They’re looking for suggestions; there are many ways to participate!
via Doug Ward in National Archives (NARA) Information Services and Meredith Stewart in the NARA Office of Innovation.
The Open Data Policy seeks to expand the number of government data assets that are open and available to the public. Those data assets that are public (or could be public) are called out in a Public Data Listing and made available on
We’ve launched to serve as a portal for our open data efforts and we’ve begun the creation of our Public Data Listing. In order to expand our public data listing, we need your suggestions for NARA data assets that you would like to see included.
What do we mean by “data assets”?
Data assets can be as large as a system or as small as a single dataset or online resource. We have nearly 60 data assets, including large systems like Online Public Access (OPA) and and individual datasets like the Federal Register in XML and Executive Orders in CSV. We have included, but we’ve also called out individual resources on like the online collection of ISCAP decisions.
Suggest data assets!
Take a look at what we’ve included so far in our Public Data Listing and let us know your suggestions for additional data assets in the comments email, or you can open an issue on our Github repository.
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