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Govt Documents Roundtable at ALA

Hi all. I’m at the Govt Documents Roundtable (GODORT) update in New Orleans! here’s a stream of consciousness blog report. I make no assurances that I’ve caught everything that was said:

Superintendent of Documents Judy Russell is giving an update as we speak. As I walked into the room, she was talking about GPO’s Z39.50 server and how it’d be operational later this summer. This excited me because I’ve recently been looking at Library Thing. LT is a nice little web service that uses Z39.50 to get bibliographic records for books and then displays them in a nice way. Check it out. I’m’ planning on using LT to highlight our collections, have a “govt document of the week” or a “reference book of the week.”

One GODORT member mentioned how certain law publishers are printing off Web DoJ documents that used to be distributed via FDLP and SELLING them to law libraries. I think this is a growing problem (and not just for legal documents!) that needs to be dealt with. Another member mentioned that regional libraries are only receiving 1/2 of what they used to receive (I’ll get numbers later but it was drastic!). He pointed out that libraries can no longer check with their regionals to be certain of document publications. If you feel that GPO should be forcing agencies to uphold Title 44 in order to keep up the bibliographic record for US documents, contact Judy Russell and tell her your concerns.

Another GODORT member brought up the issue of broken purls. She mentioned that there are at least 2000 broken purls. She asked Ms. Russell if those documents have been captured? Ms Russell mentioned that there is phased documentation of purls to assure that documents are indeed harvested and on the GPO server. Each week, @ 1/4 of purls are checked and harvested. Those documents will be harvested and cataloged.

Now George Barnum from GPO is talking about FDSys. He’s also coming to the Govt Information Technology Committee (GITCO) meeting on sunday so I’ll blog more about that later. Stay tuned…

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