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White House committed to expanding access to information

According to the American Assn of Law Libraries (AALL) “blawg:”

During last week’s Open Government Partnership (OGP) meeting in London, the Obama administration released a preview of its U.S. Open Government National Action Plan 2.0 (NAP). While the second NAP will not be finalized until December 2013, six new commitments to further advance the goals of transparency and accountability in the federal government were announced:

  1. Expand Open Data
  2. Modernize the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
  3. Increase Fiscal Transparency
  4. Increase Corporate Transparency
  5. Advance Citizen Engagement and Empowerment
  6. More Effectively Manage Public Resources

This is great news for open government (though it’s still troubling how the administration is walking a very thin, troubling line in re to the NSA and their attacks on whistleblowers). I hope the administration and policy makers on open government will take some cues from our 2010 Letter to Deputy CTO Noveck: “Open Government Publications”.

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