Greetings from DC.
Here’s a roundup with a bunch of recent postings from our INFOdocket site containing news and new resources of possible interest to the FGI community.
This is a small sample of what we post each day. Most of the following items were shared in the past week or so. We are also available on Twitter.
1. New From U.S. Census: 2008-2010 ACS 3-Year Estimates
2. Article: “Patriot Act Turns 10, With No Signs of Retirement” + Patriot Act Infographic (Facts and Stats)
4. New Report: The State of World Population 2011 (World Population Tops 7 Billion, via UNPA)
5. New from U.S. Census: American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States Wall Map
6. “A 5th Anniversary For the Forest Service National Library Celebrates 100 Years of History”
7. U.S. Census: USA Counties (New Stats)
8 New: Director of U.S. Copyright Office Announces Priorities, Special Projects for Next Two Years
9. Register of Copyrights Names Associate Register for Policy and International Affairs
10. Archivist of the United States on Digital Public Library of America Plenary
11. Legal Information: Cameras in Court Pilot Project Now Has 70 Videos Online
12. Campaign Finance: Unveils New Interactive Features To Monitor 2012 Presidential Money Race
14. New From the C-SPAN Video Library: MP3 Audio Files Available for All Programs
We hope you find these resources useful. We hope you stop by or follow.
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