The Sunlight Foundation has posted the first in a series of blog posts about congressional committee websites:
- Congress Online: Evaluating Congressional Committee Websites, By policy interns Eric Dunn and Jacob Hutt, Sunlight Foundation (July 25, 2011).
Recently, we went through all forty-five House, Senate, and Joint Committee websites and evaluated them based on a transparency checklist made by Sunlight in 2010. In this first of a series of blog posts, we reveal general trends from our evaluation and highlight the websites that stood out, the ones that need some work, and a few that were just awful.
Among the “Just plain awful” and “painful” websites:
The websites for the Joint Committee on Printing and the Joint Committee on the Library are by far the worst of them all – they have not been updated in years. Half of the committee members pictured on these websites are no longer in office.
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