A number of documents reported to GPO in May/Jun/July and posted by us to the Lost Documents Blog in July 2010 were related to oil spills. Mostly to the current spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but some reported documents went as far back as 2002.
For a full list of what we know about, visit http://lostdocs.freegovinfo.info/tag/oil-spills/.
This is being posted without judgment as to why these documents have not been cataloged yet. We are not asserting ill will or a coverup on part of any part of the government just because these documents have not made it into the Catalog of Government Publications.
Having said that, we at Free Government Information urge GPO to catalog these documents as soon as possible so they’ll be easier to find in literature searches about oil spills and government response.
For those looking for it, the full July 2010 Lost Documents Report and Appeal will be published later today.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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