Gary Price, our friend who runs both ResourceShelf and Docuticker, kindly shared lots of links of interest to FGI readers from the last week on ResourceShelf.
Don’t forget that you can always see the latest items from Docuticker right here on FGI in the left column. You can also find Gary on twitter (@resourceshelf).
- Rhode Island School Librarian testifies in the House. His prepared statement is here.
- Online Privacy: U.S. Dept. of Commerce Plans to Look at Online Privacy; Public Meeting Scheduled for May 7th. Post includes Notice of Information from Fed Reg.
- NASA and Internet Archive working to put all NASA images, audio, video in a single location.
- New Database: Veterans Resources Search Engine Compiled in Indiana but has national resources
- Haiti: Legal Bibliography from Law Library of Congress
- Five Mapping Apps Reviewed for Upcoming UK Election
- Extremely Useful: NARA Releases List of Digitized Records (NARA Partners & Their Records.) What company has digitized what reel of microfilm, for example.
- Twitter Archives: an original post where we try to separate fact from fiction
- Wolfram|Alpha has added a bunch of historical tax statistics
- Information Security Oversight Office Releases 30th Annual Report to the President
- Transparency Data
Thanks and a hat tip to Gary!
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