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PEGI charts a FAIR direction for the US government information ecosystem

The PEGI Project has just published a new blog post “Charting a FAIR Direction for the US Government Information Ecosystem.” This is meant to be added context for our presentation at next week’s Research Data Access & Preservation (RDAP) Summit.

We seek to expand the conversation about FAIR principles — the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets. FAIR — and it’s natural outgrowth CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance or Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, and Ethics — are seeing an increase in operationalization in the data community and as it applies to the curation of research data funded by the US government. But PEGI advocates that those principles should be applied across the expansive federal government information landscape. These principles, which resonate for the research data community, can and should be applied to all government information. Please read on and feel free to leave a comment, question, or idea here.

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