The staff of the House Select Subcommittee On The Coronavirus Crisis has issued a 15 page report that documents 47 separate instances of political interference with the federal response to the coronavirus crisis.
press release:
- Select Subcommittee Analysis Shows Pattern of Political Interference by the Trump Administration in Coronavirus Response Press Release (Oct 2, 2020).
Today’s staff analysis found at least 47 separate incidents of political interference in the Administration’s coronavirus response spanning from February through September 2020. These incidents have impacted every major facet of the Administration’s public health response and appear to be increasing in number and severity as the election draws near.
report [PDF, 15pp]:
- The Trump Administration’s Pattern Of Political Interference In The Nation’s Coronavirus Response, Select Subcommittee On The Coronavirus Crisis, Staff Analysis (Oct 1, 2020).
The analysis demonstrates that over the last eight months, the Administration engaged in a persistent pattern of political interference—repeatedly overruling and sidelining top scientists and undermining Americans’ health to advance the President’s partisan agenda.
The Administration’s interference has occurred both in public view and in private, led by President Trump, Vice President Pence, White House officials, and political appointees at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and other agencies. The apparent goal of this unprecedented, coordinated attack on our nation’s public health agencies during the pandemic was, in the President’s words, to “play it down.”

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