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200704151330 FDLP/DLC : LOCKSS

Intrepid FGI Reporter James Staub got in about 20 minutes late to this session and the audio and the rough transcript reflect that. Non-anonymous corrections are welcome.

Rough Transcript:

200704151330 FDLP/DLC : LOCKSS

[I came in late]

Scott Matheson
1351 LOCKSS is easy to install
1354 Social solution to a social problem
1357 Although publishers provide authoritative changes that propagate through a LOCKSS group, there’s still a cache of original material.
1400 Technical description of what happens: “patron gets content”
1401 closed stacks analogy
1408 Q how do you reconcile old computers and massive needs for storage space? DOE collection is 3 terabytes
1411 Q security – viruses?
1413 Comment – large collection publishers should themselves be LOCKSS Alliance partners
1414 Space really hasn’t been an issue so far.
1415 What a failure looks like – SM displays a failure at permanent.access.gov that was averted by LOCKSS
1420 Q Why did GPO choose to republish?

Patricia Kenly, Georgia Tech
workshop this summer
1429 our Associate Director has called LOCKSS our preservation strategy for digital information
1429 open source is good

1430 Q can we digitize, gather, republish, and LOCKSS older government information to make it available?
EC: yes
SM: your IT people understand redundancy
EC: LOCKSS team is looking more at front-end crawling, and having discussions with Archive-It

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