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National Security Archive sues White House over missing e-mails

Archive Sues to Recover 5 Million Missing White House E-mails, The National Security Archive, September 5, 2007.

The National Security Archive today sued the White House seeking the recovery and preservation of more than 5 million White House e-mail messages that were apparently deleted from White House computers between March 2003 and October 2005….

"The Bush White House broke the law and erased our history by deleting those e-mail messages," said National Security Archive director Tom Blanton. "The period of the missing email starts with the invasion of Iraq and runs through the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina."

White House Sued Again Over E – Mail, by The Associated Press, September 5, 2007

The White House abandoned an automatic archiving system for its e-mail in 2002 and did not replace it, says a lawsuit filed Wednesday against the Executive Office of the President.

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